{第一:} My personal idea for the theme during this week! {周}

The first thing is create a great visitor experience environment from the lighting , space and way-finding system.
The second is hosting more interaction activities during any exhibitions.
The last, the interaction activities need to provide the opportunity for all family members and ensure all of them can learn things from exhibitions.

#MUSEUM week one | jan 31- feb 07 |

How museums get more audience?
What museum can do for education?
How to make visitor to stay in the gallery longer?

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Thinking logic diagram

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{第二:} My personal idea for the theme during this week! {周}

All the student has their own knowledge and learning observing process, as teacher we need to be aware of the diversity and provide a reasonable teaching method for individual one.

#KNOWLEDGE & LEARNING week two | jan 7 - feb 14 |

What do we think knowledge is?
Dose knowledge resides in the physical world, or does it exist only in the individual mind?
What is it that we are teaching?
How do people learn?
What is the role of the activity?

knowledge outside the learner (realism)
knowledge is constructed by the learned ( idealism)


learning incremental - adding bit by bit to reactive mind (passive)
<-->  learning is active lead to a restructuring of the mind  ( initiatives )

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{第三:} My personal idea for the theme during this week! {周}

Increase the ability for having empathy with others.

# EMPATHY & SYMPATHY week two | feb 14 - feb 21 |

Know the difference between the empathy and sympathy.
Base on the whole process of making the movie, what we have learned about put ourselves into other's position.

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Thinking logic diagram


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{第四:} My personal idea for the theme during this week! {周}

Focus on the medicine wheel pedagogy

# MEDICINE WHEEL week four | feb 28 - mar 05|

The medicine wheel is a homeostatic system for all different concepts for me, such as education, society, and mental.

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Thinking logic diagram


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{第六:} My personal idea for the theme during this week! {周}

Bring more visitors

# PRESENTATION week  | mar 06 - mar 12

Elaine, Francesca, Jazmin and Raquel's group

About Elaine, Francesca, Jazmin and Raquel's group project, Zine is the perfect form for mental health care inpatients. Easy-to-do art practice can easily give accomplishment to mental health care inpatients. And the location is good as they mentioned the location closed to public transportation. In this way, it eliminates opportunities that the mental health care inpatients lose enthusiasm.

The 90 mins time frame is reasonable for the patients. The team keep enough time for introducing zine concept and materials. And they've simplified the process from guidelines to creation. They also provide an exhibition opportunity for participants to be engaged in creative projects.


Adriana, Kylie and Ye Jin group

For Adriana, Kylie and Ye Jin team, they are providing a more open opportunity for retied artists to engage with society. They are using a website to interact and receive artists' work. I think If they can provide more options for retied artists to share their work will be better.


For our team, we did all the research we can, and the mural is a good idea, but we didn't put say a lot about how to connect with AGO. I think if we can talk more about AGO or just only stick on the activity for Sketch Toronto.



{第六:} My personal idea for the theme during this week! {周}

Motivations for visitors from education perspective and marketing

# Motivations for visitors week four | feb 28 - mar 05|

For me,  the " motivation and learning style" article reminds me that they are trying to convene more audiences from a marketing/advertising promoting perspective.

The whole analyzing process in the article is close to how advertising people design a persona for cultural issues.

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